aerotachyon % ip linkIn the output I noticed 2 things:
- The interface was down
- The interface was named enp2s0
To fix this, I went back to the networking part of the guide looking for where I set up eth0. The command I had issued was:
aerotachyon % systemctl enable dhcpcd@eth0.serviceI had to disable eth0 first then enable enp2s0 using the following two commands:
aerotachyon % systemctl disable dhcpcd@eth0.service
aerotachyon % systemctl enable dhcpcd@enp2s0.serviceFrom my understanding this should have worked, but after rebooting I still had the same issue. I had noticed after issuing the enable command a file was created.
aerotachyon % ls /etc/systemd/system/ dhcpcd@eth0.serviceThe relevant file should have been for the enp2s0 but, as indicated by it's file name, it was for eth0. All that was needed to correct the problem was changing the file name to:
dhcpcd@enp2s0.serviceAfter a quick reboot to confirm, I was good to go.